Kitchen design, whether it’s a brand new kitchen or just a countertop remodel, is a significant investment for many reasons, but one of the top reasons is the type of countertop material you choose. Not only can this material be expensive, but it can also set the tone for your kitchen. Like a long-term investment, you want to make sure that you will like this for the duration you’re in your home.
That’s why our team has put our heads together and come up with some tips you can use when designing your kitchen from scratch or just a countertop remodel. Continue reading to learn more.
When designing a completely new kitchen, you have a lot of leeway when choosing your countertops. Not only can you choose your countertop material based on the color scheme of your new kitchen, but you’ll be able to choose if you want your countertop to be the center of attention or not.
According to Readers Digest, there are a couple of things you should consider when designing your kitchen, including:
- Plan out your kitchen: From flooring to kitchen cabinets to door handles, make sure you know exactly what you want. This way, you’ll have a clear vision of what you want your kitchen to look like and it can save you time and money in the long run!
- Expose your kitchen to the light: When you’re cooking, an overhead light may not be sufficient for the task. That’s why it’s recommended to have additional natural lighting, such as more windows.
- Opt for more storage: As you grow in your life, so does your need for more storage. When you think about how high you want your kitchen cabinets, it’s recommended that you design them right up to the ceiling, maximizing your space and decreasing the amount of cleaning you’ll have do above the cabinets.
- Choose a surface that works for your life: When choosing a surface, there are many things you should think about, including the maintenance the surface will need, the material you want to use, and the color you want. Not only are these all important, but it’s essential that your answers work cohesively to bring your kitchen together. For example, if you have or are planning to have children, you may want to go with a quartz countertop as this material is non-porous and won’t absorb spills like its counterpart granite.
When you’re thinking about your new kitchen, imagine a color scheme that makes you most happy. Through this, you should be able to find cabinets, hardware, and a countertop that works as a stylish and functional team.
When you’re updating your kitchen countertops, you may opt to keep your current cabinets and hardware, and that’s okay! At Bad Lizard, we work with a lot of these projects. Here’s what our team recommends considering when just updating your countertops:
- Find the perfect color: The color of your countertop shouldn’t clash with the other components of your kitchen like cabinets, flooring or even paint on the walls.
- Ask yourself which material works in your kitchen: If you already have an aesthetic for your kitchen, you want to make sure the material you choose compliments that aesthetically. For example, granite has a more classic look.
- Make sure what level maintenance you are okay with: When choosing a countertop, you must understand the level of maintenance you will have to take for each type of material. For example, while granite is durable, it is also porous, meaning if your countertops aren’t sealed properly, you risk getting a stain that will need professionally removed. However, we do a great job of not only sealing your countertops but also educating you on maintaining that sealant.
When solely updating your countertops, make sure you take all three tips into account as this is an investment and is something you have to use and live with.
At Bad Lizard Granite & Quartz, we want you to make the best decision possible. While we don’t build out full new kitchens, we do believe that having a countertop that works with the rest of the design is important.
If you have any questions about countertop materials, colors, or more, please don’t hesitate to call us at 304-472-6483.